Sunday, October 7, 2012

A new book review... Charlotte's Web

Title:  Charlotte's Web!
Author:  E.B. White
184 pages

This book is about a girl named Fern, who raised a baby pig. (His name isWilbur he was the smallest piglet in the litter. This is called the runt.)  At 6 weeks of age , he was sold to her Uncle Homer.  He at first was very lonely.  Then he found a friend named Charlotte.  Charlotte is a spider.  The goose on the farm talked in threes! Then Wilbur learned he would be made into ham and bacon, he cried and said "I don't want to die Charlotte." Then Charlotte said "You will not die.  I will save you."

The rest of the story is about Charlotte saving Wilbur by spinning words into her web.  The first thing she used was: SOME PIG.
She spun other words too, but you can read about those.

The ending is sad, I'm just warning you!

I give this book 5 out of 5 piglets.